Saturday, June 8, 2013

Final Blog

This year in Chem was a new way of learning for me. As the year went on, like in any other class, I began to get more comfortable with my teacher and classmates. It was the way the class was run that was different. First of all, we never had to raise our hand to ask a question. Just talking out to Mr. Abud or another student made the learning that much easier. Our BYOD policy was another thing that was very unique to our class. Being able to bring in my iPad to take notes on everyday made everything easy as well. No book to carry, no paper to use up, and a faster way to access forms and convenient note taking tools made my Chemistry year very simple, apart from the actual chemistry, of course.

However, there were some down-sides to the way our class was run. We didn't learn the same concepts as other classes did in the same order. This was always tough because we couldn't go to students outside of Mr. Abud's class to talk to about chemistry. Also, we didn't learn all of the same things that the other classes did. This is the part that scares me. I'm taking AP Chemistry next year and am afraid that I will be at a huge disadvantage compared to the other kids. I feel like I was not prepared for AP Chemistry as well as I could have been. For the most part, I feel like I simply got an A+ in Mr. Abud's class, not an A+ in honors chemistry.

But, apart from that, I did enjoy the year very much. The class was fun, with good students to be around every day and lots of laughs. I hope my next year of Chem will be as enjoyable as this year has been, and I will truly miss the class.