Sunday, September 30, 2012

Third Week

In Honors Chemistry, everything has been going well so far.  After learning about volume, we've spent the past week working with density and the density of certain liquids.  By doing the first lab of the week, we learned that as volume increases, mass does as well.  In relation to this, we've learned that density represents how matter is distributed in a volume.  If there is more mass in the same amount of volume as another object, then it is denser. If there is less mass than an object in the same amount of volume, then it is less dense.  Density can be represented as d=m/v, with "d" as density, "m" as mass, and "v" as volume.  This equation can also be manipulated to m=d*v, and v=m/d. The density of pure water is 1g/1cm^3, which is one gram of matter per cubic centimeter of volume.  We also did a lab in which we found the density of multiple liquids, and then put them in order from least dense to most.  Out of the liquids that we used, we found that vegetable oil was the least dense and Dr. Pepper was the most dense.  At the end of the week we had an assessment on the things we've done so far this year.  I thought that the assessment went well, and that I was well prepared.  I hope that I can be as confident in the assessments to come as I was for the one we took!

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