Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 8

During our last week of the first quarter, we furthered our work with pressure. First, we found absolute zero. We discovered absolute zero by back-tracking our graph from our temperature vs. pressure lab, and found the x-intercept. This x-intercept was at -273.15, which was -273.15 degrees Celsius. Therefore, -273.15 degrees Celsius is absolute zero, and also 0 Kelvin. When the temperature is at 0 degrees Celsius, it is also at 273.15 Kelvin. That absolute zero, particles stop all motion. In each state of matter, and this temperature, the particles are no longer moving. Then, we did a quick lab with glow sticks! We found out what the best way to keep a glow stick lasting is. By placing glow sticks in room temperature, hot, and cold water, we found that in cold water they last the longest. Also in hot water, they burn out the fastest. This is because the particles are sped up in hot water and burn out quickly, while in cold water they're slowed down and are preserved. Finally, we began reviewing for our Unit 2 assessment, the first one. We reviewed with a google drive document that we all contributed to, and by going over the experiments that we all did. In these labs, we found that pressure was inversely proportional to volume, pressure is proportional to temperature, pressure is proportional to number of particles, and volume is proportional to temperature. After our review, we talked about hurricane Sandy. We learned that when it is clear out, the pressure in the air is higher than when cloudy. So, we were asked to make a barometer over the weekend, which is a device that can measure atmospheric pressure. I made mine with a jar that has a balloon strapped to the top, and a straw on top of it. When it is clear, the pressure outside is greater than in the jar so the balloon is pushed down and the straw rises up. Conversely, when it is cloudy out the pressure inside the jar is greater and pushes up on the balloon, making the straw go down.
Now that the first quarter is over, looking back on Chemistry has shown me that it's been one of the best leaning experiences I've had. Being able to use my devices has helped me stay organized and is a great convenience. Also all of the experiments that we do is a great leaning tool because we find things out for ourselves. Overall I'm very happy with the first quarter of Chemistry.

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