Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 9

During week nine, we continued our work with pressure and barometers especially. We tested our homemade barometers outside during class one day and furthered our knowledge on how they work and some factors that may affect them(i.e. temperature). We were supposed to evaluate our barometers but we never got around to it. We also worked with PTVn problems, which are Pressure Temperature Volume and number of particles problems. We were asked to solve for values in many different situations during class, and we shared our answer. We did these in order to prepare for our assessment on Friday, since there were those types of problems on it. We also did two demonstrations in class. One was when we used a bike pump to pump air into a bottle, increasing the pressure. In the bottle was a type of syringe, that pushed down due to the pressure in the bottle being greater than that of the syringe. Then, we also made a cloud. Mr. Abud started by lighting a match, blowing it out and then letting the remaining smoke go into the bottle. The bottle also had a little bit of water in it. He sealed the bottle and began pumping air in with the bike pump. He finally stopped pumping and took the bottle off the pump. Then, he unscrewed the bottle a bit and all of a sudden, the water particles latched onto the dust particles in the bottle and a cloud was made! The week came to an end with our assessment, which I feel confident about. I believe that I gave thorough answers with each standard and am anxious to see my results!

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